The Fish
( El Pez )

Martin Verdet
2017 - 82 min - Vidéo 720p/HDV - Couleur - France, Mexique

There's the megalopolis of Mexico City, swarming, shifting, clamorous... and a tiny apartment, cramped and enclosed. There's Paco, the street singer, a dreamer, a wanderer adrift in his own fantasy world... and his ever so devout, passionate, and solitary mother, drowned in her prayers.
There's reality and day-by-day routine, relentless... and Mexico’s magic, supernaturally surging out of nowhere, reshaping it all. There's the inexplicable and the obvious, connection and absence, sound and silence... and life to re-invent. A contemporary Mexican tale.

Author-Director : Martin Verdet
Photography : Martin Verdet
Sound : Isis Puente
Editing : Catherine Rascon
Delegate Producer : La Traverse
Co-producer : Dar a luz
Co-producer : Studio Orlando
Contribution : Région Île-de-France


Distributor : La Traverse