The Ideal Kibbutz
Denis Khalifa
2018 - 52 min - Vidéo 720p/HDV - Couleur - France, Israël

Daniel, son of a kibbutznik from France, is looking for a kibbutz that would match his dreams. While crisscrossing Israel, he will visit kibbutzim with very different orientations.
Through this journey, we discover a gallery of characters, with their stories, and especially those of their respective kibbutzim. The opportunity to see that kibbutzim are still alive and that they remain to this day, the largest community movement in the world.

Author-Director : Denis Khalifa
Photography : Rami Katsav
Sound : Oded Openeim
Editing : Eytan Kapon
Delegate Producer : Denis Khalifa


Distributor : Denis Khalifa