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Le Cochon de Gaston Série-Collection : Les Seigneurs des animaux

Frédéric Fougea
1995 - 26 min - Super 16 mm - Couleur - France

Gaston has been breeding pigs for sixty years. He breeds about ten pigs a year and sells them to his neighbours who produce truffles. He selects one pig for himself and the pig becomes his "Kiki".
For two years, Gaston has been truffling with a two hundred kilos Kiki. A male as strong as a bull. Kiki has a wonderful nose. He knows how to smell the best truffles. And Gaston has become attached to the animal. Kiki follows him everywhere and when Gaston comes to get him in the morning, Kiki rubs himself against his legs.
Gaston should have got rid of Kiki for a long time. Kiki has become so impossible and so undisciplined, so greedy that Gaston spends all his days running after this devastating hurricane.


Distributor : Boréales
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