La Vie rêvée d'Amanda
Jill Emery
2002 - 53 min - Couleur - France, Belgique

My daughter Amanda is 26. She is autistic and lives in a world of fantasy where sausages and tarama salata grow on trees and where the Prince Charming will come and gather her up on his white horse.
She is talkative, sings and has a definite preference for love songs. She can be extremely lucid, difficult or moving. When she accepts to go and live in a home for autistic adults "The Vergers de Sésame" she hopes to find the Prince Charming she has dreamt of. John
is 32 . This is the first time anyone has loved him. Their relationship is one of animal cries, laughter and tenderness. But for Amanda this isn't enough.
One day Dimitri arrives. He is handsome and domineering. Amanda is subjugated and falls in love with him. She is sure he will give her the baby she longs for...

Author-Director : Jill Emery
Delegate Producer : Yenan productions
Co-producer : Les Films grain de sable
Co-producer : Lux fugit film
Broadcasting Co-producer : Images Plus
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Yenan productions
Distributor : Les Films grain de sable
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
DVD Editing : Doc Net Films
Circulation-Consultation : BPI (Bibliothèque publique d'information)
Disponible au Club du doc


2003 - États généraux du film documentaire, Lussas (France) : Incertains Regards