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La Vie et le Règne de Mohamed V Série-Collection : Le Sens de l'Histoire

Ahmed Maanouni
1999 - 52 min - Betacam SP - Couleur - France

Mohammed V, King of Morocco from 1955 to 1961, was born in Fes in 1909. On his father’s death in 1927, he was chosen by the French authorities as Sultan. He knew how to make an impression and make himself popular while cooperating with France. When the Istiqläl called for independence in 1944, he allowed his sympathy for the nationalists to be seen. General Juin, appointed general resident, then applied severe measures.
In 1953 Augustin Guillaume, the new general resident, adopted a similar policy : the French government deported the Sultan to Corsica, then to Madagascar. As a result, there was a violent crisis and the nationalists engaged in armed combat.
In 1955 the French government recalled the Sultan who returned in triumph. In 1956, Morocco became independent, Mohammed V took up the responsibility of power. In 1960 he became head of the government and appointed his son and successor Hassan as vice-president. He died suddenly in Rabat on 26 February 1961.

Author-Director : Ahmed Maanouni
Author : Claude Lemoine
Author : Claire Barrat
Delegate Producer : Asa productions
Co-producer : Villem's productions
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : La Cinquième
Contribution : CNC, FAVI (Fonds audiovisuel international)


Distributor : Asa productions