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La Terre des Peaux-Rouges Série-Collection : Découvertes

Jean-Claude Lubtchansky
2002 - 52 min - Vidéo - Couleur - France

In the beginning there were Indians. For centuries, they lived in harmony with their sacred lands. As early as the 17th century, the white men wanted America for them alone. Over the following three centuries they would wage bloody wars with the Indians for the honour of this continent. At the beginning of the 19th century, not one of them remains to the east of Mississipi.
But a few hardy explorers and painters went into the unknown, journeying towards Indian country. On their canvases, they captured the final looks at civilization doomed to perish, painting the chiefs in full regalia.
Shot across the USA and Canada, this film blend first hand accounts and historical testimonies to evoke the clash of civilizations, and the enduring struggle of the Indian nations.

Author-Director : Jean-Claude Lubtchansky
Author : Philippe Jacquin
Delegate Producer : Trans Europe film
Co-producer : Éditions Gallimard
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : APTN (Canada)
Broadcasting Sale : ARTE France
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Trans Europe film
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