La Route de la non-violence
Emma Baus
2009 - 52 min - HDV - Couleur - France

A road-movie following Indian social worker, Avani Kumar, whose life is inspired by the non-violent principles of Ghandi. Avani takes us to remote villages of his country where artisans live by their traditional skills. By doing so, they protect both their quality of life and the environment. For this follower of Gandhi, non-violence is not only a political act. Rooted in spirituality, it spreads to the economy by creating sustainable livelihoods.

Author-Director : Emma Baus
Photography : Edmond Carrère
Editing : Rémi Dumas
Delegate Producer : 504 Productions
Broadcasting Co-producer : TLT - Télé-Toulouse
Contribution : CNC. COSIP


Distributor : 504 Productions
Disponible au Club du doc


2010 - European Spiritual Film Festival, Paris (France) : Prix du meilleur documentaire spirituel