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Là où vont les nuages
Art et Identité de la diaspora vietnamienne
Laurent Van Lancker, Olivier Grégoire
1999 - 53 min - DV Cam - Couleur - Belgique

Far away from Vietnam, nine artists travel between memories and creation ; they live their exiles deep inside their art.
From the studio of a painter to the backstage of a concert hall, passing through the world of storytelling and comics, their destinies intersect, and hybridities are formed.
Through everyday life and imagination, each of them gives his/her part of Vietnam. Between here and there, they join together in one only and identity quest.

Author-Director : Laurent Van Lancker, Olivier Grégoire
Delegate Producer : Le Bleu du ciel
Co-producer : Polymorfilms


Distributor : Asap productions
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