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La Civilisation perdue du Rio La Venta Série-Collection : À la recherche des mondes disparus

Antoine de Maximy
1998 - 52 min - Beta numérique - Couleur - France, États-Unis, Italie

Nestled in the Chiapas jungle in Mexico lies an intriguing and untouched archeological region : the Rio La Venta Gorge. Aerial surveys reveal more than twenty huge buidings on either side of the canyon's divide. The walls of the canyon are riddled with caves that have been used for religious purposes for over two thousand years.
The film accompanies a group of archeologists as they forge their way through the impenetrable Chiapas jungle in search of lost cities and scale sheer cliffs to uncover sacred retreats. Cameras capture the archeologists' emotions as they reveal a burial ground for children who have been victims of human sacrifices. The artifacts they find serve as links to the world of Zoque and lead us to Olmec and Maya centers such as Palenque, Tonina and San Lorenzo.
We will evoke the incredible achievements of the ancients and try to pierce together the mystery of their lives.

Author-Director : Antoine de Maximy
Delegate Producer : Gédéon Programmes
Co-producer : Paneikon (Italie)
Co-producer : Nova WGBH (USA)
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 2
Broadcasting Co-producer : RTI (Italie)
Contribution : CNC, Procirep


Distributor : Europe images international
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