The Flesh and the Granite
Anna Recalde Miranda
2019 - 70 min - Vidéo Full HD - Couleur - France

Shelomo Selinger, 90 years old, carves a monumental sculpture, dedicated to the Shoah. As the form emerges from the granite, so does the memory, fragmented, shaped, imbricated between the great History and the personal life of Shelomo, direct witness of concentration camps, one of the last witness still alive.
His son Rami, plastic surgeon and Pierre Abramovici, historian and family friend guide us in a journey, through his life, history and art, between the need to remember and the need to forget.

Author-Director : Anna Recalde Miranda
Author : Pierre Abramovici
Photography : Anna Recalde Miranda
Sound : Anna Recalde Miranda
Editing : Anna Recalde Miranda
Delegate Producer : Kilaohm Productions
Crowdfunding : Kisskissbankbank


Distributor : Anna Recalde Miranda


2019 - Torino Film Festival (TFF), Turin (Italie) : Sélection