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L'Œil du privé
Alain Lasfargues
1997 - 55 min - Vidéo - Couleur - France

"The New Detectives" allows us a starting glimpse into the turbulent world of today's private detective. From insurance frauds to high-tech computer scandals, from common adultery cases to modern day bounty hunters, "The New Detectives" goes beyond its mythology in full blast.
Shot in the USA, where the use of the Internet is quickly becoming a main instrument, although shotgun and handcuffs are still common practice in Russia where, since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the situation of crime has changed profoundly to the benefit of the countless.
Now unemployed, ex-KGB members who have ample work among the more well-off members of the new capitalist society. In "The New Detectives" we will meet some members of this new guild, in East and West we wonder... where have gone Bogart, Mitchum, Philip Marlow... our heroes.

Author-Director : Alain Lasfargues
Delegate Producer : Dune production
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Sept ARTE
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Dune production
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