Pauline Delwaulle
2012 - 24 min - HD - Couleur - France

From the river of doubt to the Mount Sinai the words blend with landscape. The map becomes poem, and the island, mysterious.
I wanted to reach the island through the eyes of an explorer of Jules Verne’ novels. The one who discovers for the first time a place, creates it. I wanted to tackle the idea of limit we arise when we name a place. The act of naming creates as it limits. For me, the mapping is constitutive of space, we say the place and the place becomes.
I wanted to evoke this island as a mystery, the paradox of these virgin places and its names very literary. Not to name it, and give the impression that this mysterious island is perhaps not, that it is the fantasy of the island itself, it would be all, Treasure Island, the mysterious, Mount Analogue…
I cannot go on the island of my dreams, I do not care it can be everywhere. The map demonstrates its reality but as I have not seen, it does not really exist and can take anywhere form, out of nowhere.


Distributor : Le Fresnoy (Studio national des Arts contemporains)
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