( El Encanto )

Pierre Semet
2013 - 94 min - HD - Couleur - France

Cordoba, Northern Colombia: a joyful land. Some even call it Paradise. Nevertheless, musicians, anglers, and countrymen underwent the guerilla’s stranglehold, which has been replaced by far worst: the militia. It is today called a "pacified" land eventhough they are still there. Under that apparent quietness, a mafia power threats crawls clouding this paradise. Through the encounter of deeply sweet people, the movie tries to capture the relationship between them and their disturbed paradise.

Author-Director : Pierre Semet
Photography : Pierre Semet
Sound : Pierre Semet
Editing : Pierre Semet
Original Music : Eduardo Meza
Delegate Producer : Pierre Semet


Distributor : Pierre Semet
Disponible au Club du doc


2014 - Millenium - Festival international du documentaire, Bruxelles (Belgique) : Sélection Panorama "Connaître l'Autre"
2014 - Festival Ojo al Sancocho, Bogota (Colombie) :
2013 - Rencontres du film colombien du Cher, Bourges (France) : Sélection