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L'Angleterre sur le divan
Jean-Louis Fournier
1994 - 48 min - Betacam - Couleur - France

It's finally happened, the ever-so-proper England has been pierced through, now letting the entire world see her across an enormously long view of 40 kilometers. The tunnel represents a technical masterpiece.
Let's have a look at a startled England, taking inventory of ther peculiar ways that the fog, her accomplice, so heavily guards ; let's sweep aside the morning mist.
The sociologist Théodore Zeldin will inform us that this trembling virgin only fakes a virginity, that, in fact, she has lost long ago ; the tunnel has a good back ! Marc Ferro gives the historian's point of view. François Perlmutter, the point of view of the psychoanalyst. And the Major Thompson will explain to us that even pierced on every shore by thousands of tunnel, England will remain pure in her own eyes, always an island !

Author-Director : Jean-Louis Fournier
Delegate Producer : Les Productions Cercle bleu
Co-producer : Renn productions
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Les Productions Cercle bleu
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