L'Amazone candidate
Sanvi Panou
2007 - 118 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France, Bénin

While Segolène Royal is being promoted through television programs for the coming presidential election in France, a lawyer from the Republic of Benin, Marie-Elise Gbédo is shown through a documentary movies shot while she was raising the electoral campaign for her second attempt to be the president of her country. One can see the way that pretty and strong woman rules with authority and skill her struggle to reach the presidential seat.
This movie shows another shape of the African continent, where politics doesn’t necessary result in blood shed and horror. But a real challenge in which music, danse and happiness take a large part, in a process that show the political maturity of Benin, that small democratic country in West Africa.

Author-Director : Sanvi Panou
Delegate Producer : Orisha Films
Co-producer : O-lympide productions


Distributor : Orisha Films