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L'Airelle, de la Terre au ciel
Armel Gourvennec
2003 - 52 min - Vidéo - Couleur - France

Elaborated a few years ago, the project " Airelle "refers to a new type of microlight, these flying engines that weight less than 300 Kg. A researchers team, formed of one engineer and a few technicians, has lead a long fight to make its dream come true: make the " Airelle " fly. Numerous are the failures, desperate and hopeless are the attempts, heavy are the tensions.
But finally on a shiny day of October, the motor bird flies.
By understanding how such a project can start, by witnessing the successive failures as the small and temporary successes, the audience will have the privilege to discover an unknown but fascinating world, the world of aviation.

Author-Director : Armel Gourvennec
Delegate Producer : Cargo films
Contribution : Media


Distributor : Cargo films
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