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L'Affaire MMM
Une spéculation à la russe
Jean-Luc Léon
2000 - 60 min - Beta numérique - Couleur - France

In January 1994, on the back of a huge campaign in the media, the MMM investment bank made its appearance on the Russian financial stage, its message was simple and reassuring.
MMM offered small investors a share price that was protected from market fluctuations.
This film is a documentary tragicomedy about the impact of the arrival of capitalism in Russia. It focuses on one of the greatest swindles of the last few years, which, with the media's help, raised the hopes of millions of people before leaving them ruined.

Author-Director : Jean-Luc Léon
Delegate Producer : Album productions
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Sept ARTE


Distributor : Album productions
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