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Kan ha diskan
Chant et Déchant
Violaine Dejoie-Robin
1995 - 52 min - Betacam - Couleur - France

In the heart of Brittany, the traditional "tile song" is still song on special occasions. Not so long ago, everybody sang : any event in the village or at the farm was an occasion to sing. From sunrise to sunset, all sorts of songs echoed through the valleys. When they heard the songs, the famers' wives could recognize which horse-ridden caet or group of farmers was passing by.
J.M. Guilcher who wrote a thesis on folk dancing, particularly the "dans tro" gives an account of what the Breton society was like before the first world war, using excerpts of films he shot 50 years ago.
We are introduced to singers aged 65 to 85 : M. Kerjean, the Goadec sisters, B. Guern... and many other local celebrities. They still sing on festive occasions and crowds of enthusiastic dancers whirl about till 4 am to the sound of their music.
This film isa must for all amateurs of dancing and "full voice" singing and for those who love the true Breton spirit in which simplicity, joie de vivre and generosity prevail.


Distributor : Les Productions de la Lanterne
Not commercial Distribution : Images de la culture (CNC)
Circulation-Consultation : BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France). Département de l'Audiovisuel
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