J'irai dormir chez vous : Chine Série-Collection : J'irai dormir chez vous

Antoine de Maximy
2005 - 52 min - Vidéo numérique - Couleur - France

1 man, 3 cameras, true encounters... With the sense of adventure that every traveller needs, not to mention the sense of humour, Antoine de Maximy travels the world to meet different people. Venturing far and wide, he visits the most remote of spots, as well as the busiest of cities. His aim when travelling: spend a night in one of the local resident’s homes and share their everyday life with us. Meetings are spontaneous; he doesn’t know where he’s going to sleep from one day to another.

Author-Director : Antoine de Maximy
Delegate Producer : Bonne Pioche Productions
Broadcasting Co-producer : Voyage
Broadcasting Co-producer : Canal plus
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Terranoa
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