In Waking Hours
Sarah Vanagt, Katrien Vanagt
2015 - 18 min - HD - Couleur - Belgique

With the publication of the Ophthalmographia in 1632, the Amsterdam physician Vopiscus Fortunatus Plempius sheds new light on the age-old question of how seeing works. His answer is an invitation to experiment: Enter with me into a darkened room and prepare the eye of a freshly slaughtered cow. He emphasizes that anyone may carry out this experiment, at home,
"demanding little effort and expense."
“And you, standing in the darkened room, behind the eye, shall see a painting that perfectly represents all objects from the outside world,” promises Plempius.
In the short film In Waking Hours we see historian Katrien Vanagt, who studied the Latin writings of this Plempius, cloaked in the skin of a 21st century disciple of Plempius. Her cousin, filmmaker Sarah Vanagt, is there and captures how this modern "Plempia" meticulously follows her teacher's instructions. Thus, in a dark kitchen in Brussels, they become witnesses at the birth of images upon the eye.

Author-Director : Sarah Vanagt, Katrien Vanagt
Photography : Artur Castro Freire
Sound : Philippe Ciompi
Editing : Effi Weiss
Delegate Producer : Balthasar


Distributor : Argos (Center for Art and Media)


2015 - International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR), Rotterdam (Pays-Bas) : Sélection
2015 - IndieLisboa - Festival international du cinéma indépendant de Lisbonne, Lisbonne (Portugal) : Audience Award
2015 - Rencontres internationales Science et cinéma, Marseille (France) : Sélection
2015 - Filmer à tout prix, Bruxelles (Belgique) : Sélection
2015 - Pravo Ljudski Film Festival, Sarajevo (Bosnie-Herzégovine) : Sélection