Györgi Ligeti - Portrait
Michel Follin
1993 - 64 min - Super 16 mm - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France, Belgique, Hongrie

The composer Györgi Ligeti's background and biography is emblematic of the displaced, cosmopolitan, middle-European artist : uprooted by the Second World War, struggling against the dull artistic conformism of postwar communism, finding refuge in western Europe, a man truly at home only in the international community of music.
How appropriate then that this revealing film portrait of Ligeti's life and music should use a train journey as its central metaphor. As Ligeti gazes through the train window onto changing landscapes and townscapes, it seems that all of the troubled yet inventive recent cultural history of Europe is also slipping past.


1996 - Images en bibliothèques, Paris (France) : Film soutenu par la Commission nationale de sélection des médiathèques