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Guillaume Le Conquérant
Frédéric Compain
2014 - 85 min - XDCAM - Couleur - France

Normandy, XIth century, William, named "the Bastard" take the throne of his father, Duke of Normandy. From 1027 to 1087, this film tells 60 years of the life of a man who changed Middle Ages and who made a new map of Europe. A man who unified Normandy, a man who loves as war as peace, as religion as superstitions. He was strategist and he was a rider, pushed by an envy of conquest. Last paradoxe, linked with his wifeMathilde, he was always in conflicts with his own children.
To make us enter deaply in this incredible adventure, this documentary mixes with fiction and explanations from historians, specialists of William, are enlighted by historical reconstitutions, with a non academic tone !

Author-Director : Frédéric Compain
Author : Jacques Dubuisson
Author : Edouard Lussan
Author : Matias De Sa Moreira
Photography : David Quesemand
Sound : Laurent Malan
Editing : Laurent Malan
Delegate Producer : Les Films d'ici
Broadcasting Co-producer : ARTE France


Distributor : Les Films d'ici