Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 At the Limits Z32

Avi Mograbi
2008 - France/Israël - Couleur - 81'

An Israeli ex-soldier who participated in a revenge operation where two Palestinian policemen were murdered seeks forgiveness for what he has done. His girlfriend does not think it is that simple, she raises issues he is yet not ready to address. The soldier willingly testifies in front of the camera as long as his identity is not exposed. While the filmmaker keeps looking for the proper solution for concealing the soldier's identity he questions his own political and artistic conduct. Z32 deals with the unbearable gap between a young person's disturbing testimony of his own experience as an elite soldier in the Israeli army and the artistic representation of the very same testimony.

Photography : Philippe Bellaïche
Sound : Dominique Vieillard
Editing : Avi Mograbi
Music : Noam Embar
Production : Les Films d'Ici
Distribution : Les Films du Losange (g.petrel@filmsdulosange.fr, +33 (0)1 44 43 87 10)