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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Uncertain Viewpoints Xiao Jia Going Home

Xiao Jia Going Home ( Xiao Jia hui jia )
Damien Ounouri
2008 - France - Couleur - 54'

After winning the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival in 2006 with the film Still Life, independent Chinese filmmaker Jia Zhang-Ke returns to his hometown Fenyang. Through the lens of his memories, from childhood to professional renown, we see the places where he shot his first two films, Pickpocket and Platform, as well as his critical view of contemporary China, the country’s social disparity and the censorship imposed on some of his films. The return to his roots and the reflections on the intertwined life and work reveal a man in constant search for freedom.

Photography : Matthieu Laclau
Sound : Dan-Feng Li
Editing : Damien Ounouri, Yu-Chieh Chan
Production : Damien Ounouri (lihuafilms@hotmail.fr, +33 (0)6 22 73 35 03)
Distribution : Damien Ounouri (lihuafilms@hotmail.fr, +33 (0)6 22 73 35 03)