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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2008 On the Subject of Regrettable Searching - Body to Body, the Filmed Body www.webcam

Lionel Soukaz
2005 - France - Couleur - 27'

High tech sexual practices, classical melancholy, love story with images capable of sudden embodiment. “Bear witness to my period and my loves, loving becomes an act of resistance in a society where being is denied, reduced to one's purchasing power or otherwise considered throwaway. Consumer or consumed. I count on being to refuse the fate for which it seems destined.” (Lionel Soukaz)

Photography : Lionel Soukaz
Sound : Lionel Soukaz
Editing : Lionel Soukaz
Production : Lionel Soukaz
Distribution : Lionel Soukaz (lesouk@tele2.fr)