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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2007 Doc Route: Finland What Comes Around

What Comes Around ( Sen edestään löytää )
John Webster
2004 - Finlande - Couleur - 75'

Webster follows a young woman’s journey from police academy to the police station in Salo, and through a wintery training session. The veteran cops are supportive towards the newcomer. What has been learned in the field is revised by the veterans during coffee brakes at the station. The most important advice seems to be that you can’t worry about the hard stuff forever. A distressing job has not led to cynicism or depression. Humor and comradeship help in the ups and downs. To these policemen and women, even the most difficult client is a real person.

Photography : Tuomo Hutri
Sound : Pietari Koskinen
Editing : Jukka Nykänen
Production : J. W. Documentaries
Distribution : Finnish Film Foundation (marja.pallassalo@ses.fi, +358 9 6220 3021)