Les États généraux du film documentaire 2012 Assembled Territories: image, music, sound Voukoum

François Perlier
2012 - France - Couleur - 52'

A Voukoum, in Guadaloupean creole is a massive, noisy movement, a consciously produced disorder to provoke the political and artistic consciousness of people in the street, the “vyé nég” (old negroes). It's at once a noise and a revolt. It's also the name chosen by the members of this cultural movement existing since the beginning of the eighties in the working class neighbourhood “Bas du bourg” in Basse Terre, Guadeloupe: Mouvemen Kiltirel Voukoums. Delivery of the Sacem annual Award for Best Creative Documentary on Music by Édith Canat de Chizy.

Author : Sonny Rupaire, Guy Tyrolien, Amédé Labigny, François Perlier
Photography : François Perlier
Sound : Benoit Perraud
Editing : Camille Fougère
Production : Réel Factory, Extérieur/Jour, Guadeloupe 1ère
Distribution : Réel Factory (infos@reelfactory.org, +33 (0)5 82 95 00 77)