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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2018 Viewing experiences Vostok n° 20

Vostok n° 20
Élisabeth Silveiro
2018 - France - Couleur - 49'

Daily life in a third-class sleeping car in the Trans-Siberian train Vostok no. 20. In the small, uncomfortable carriage, people share meals and conversations with strangers to kill time. A long trip and a portrait of contemporary Russia, its four seasons and seven time zones passing before our eyes. As a literary counterpoint, poems by Marina Tsvetaeva read by Fanny Ardant illuminate the feelings of the passengers: their loneliness, their longing for freedom and love.

“Brouillon d’un rêve” grant recipient

Photography : Saulius Lukosevicius
Sound : Galina Dudakova, Antoine Faure
Editing : Benoît Delbove
Music : Evgueni Galperine
Production : Dolce Vita Films