SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Virágát a napnak (Fleur du soleil)
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Fragment of a filmmaker's work: Sándor Sára Virágát a napnak (Fleur du soleil)

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Virágát a napnak (Fleur du soleil)
Sándor Sára
1960 - Hongrie - Couleur - 8'

Brilliantly coloured images celebrate the struggle of a flower—and a new generation of creators—for survival. Sándor Sára's first film as director is an allegorical poem, a hymn to light as the source of life, and a veiled reference to the issue of Soviet domination. Based on a visual poem composed by the cineaste and often using stop motion animation, the film suggests Norman McLaren's Neighbours (1952).

Photography : Sándor Sára
Sound : Ferenc Lohr
Editing : Edit Mészáros
Music : Bálint Sárosi
Production : Budapest Filmstúdió
(szorenyi.dorottya@mandarchiv.hu, +36 13 94 13 22 143)