SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Vilarinho das Furnas
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2007 Doc History : Portugal Vilarinho das Furnas

Vilarinho das Furnas
António Campos
1971 - Portugal - Noir & Blanc - 77'

Vilarinho das Furnas saw the hour of its destruction arrive in 1969. Huddled at the base of the Sierra Amarela, the village was situated between the rivers Homem and Eido. Frozen into a system of communal pastoral life, their sole means of defeating the harsh conditions, the village disappeared under a layer of cold and stagnant water, which had for so many years given it life.

Photography : António Campos
Sound : Alexandre Gonçalves
Editing : António Campos
Production : António Campos
Distribution : Cinemateca Portuguesa/ANIM (Tél : +351 21 968 94 00, Fax : +351 21 968 94 99)