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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2012 Doc Route: Portugal VHS - Video Home System

VHS - Video Home System
Salomé Lamas
2012 - Portugal - Couleur - 39'

How can the child lie that she is asleep and be faster than her body? She - “But it wasn’t so violent, was it?” The child stayed in bed repeating that she was sleepy for forty minutes. She - “I’ve wanted it to be almost like a mantra and to generate tension.” Time past and time present. If all time is eternally present all time is unredeemable. She - “ It was a school exercise, I would use what was close to me, what was domestic and you were part of it”. Fourteen years have past. I take her images; I compel her to answer me. She is the mother. She is the daughter. She is my mother.

Photography : Cristina Lamas, Salomé Lamas
Sound : Salomé Lamas, Cristina Lamas
Editing : Salomé Lamas
Production : Salomé Lamas
Distribution : Salomé Lamas (salomelamas@hotmail.com, +351 916644268)