SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Fleeting memory
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Uncertain Viewpoints Fleeting memory

Fleeting memory
Amaury Brumauld
2008 - France - Couleur - 51'

A young man discovers his mother in her art studio. Suffering from Alzheimer’s, she struggles to paint as she once did. They decide to work together despite her worsening condition, taking us on a disorienting journey somewhere between fiction and documentary; down a winding road that traverses past and present, paintings, sketches and images of daily life. Through this journey down their family’s memory lane, their shared, yet seemingly lost emotions become increasingly palpable. This mother and son team brings us their common story, even when words fail.

Photography : Amaury Brumauld
Sound : Brice Kartmann, Yann Legay
Editing : Yvan Petit
Production : L'image d'après, Les Films du Balibari
Distribution : L'image d'après (olivier.daunizeau@wanadoo.fr, +33 (0)6 14 01 24 60)