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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2008 Uncertain viewpoints Un voyage en Israël

Un voyage en Israël
Ginette Lavigne
2008 - France - Couleur - 92'

My maternal uncle, Joseph Katz, emigrated to Palestine in April 1948, one month before the Declaration of Independence of Israel. He bore the illusion of the building of a socialist state in Palestine. In 2006, I went to Israel to see him again and take up with my family again. Three generations: this old man, my uncle, his daugthers and their children. Each of them tied different links with this country in which they live and through their stories, I have tried to understand what it means to live in Israel nowadays.

Photography : Joao Ribeiro
Sound : Jean-François Priester
Editing : Ginette Lavigne
Production : Swan Productions
Distribution : Ginette Lavigne (lavigne.g@wanadoo.fr, +33 (0)1 42 80 09 63)