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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2011 Scam Day Un étrange équipage

Un étrange équipage
Boris Nicot
2010 - France - Couleur - 72'

The singular position occupied by Stéphane Tchalgadjieff in French film production of the seventies. An invisible craftsman of "cinéma d'auteur", deeply marked by the period's counter-culture, he produced over a decade at a sustained rate a series of very important films (Out 1 by Jacques Rivette, India Song by Marguerite Duras, Robert Bresson's Le Diable probablement, Les Enfants du placard by Benoît Jacquot...). Would the creative freedom expressed in these films have anything to do with the circumstances of their production, the quality of the encounters during their genesis, the spirit of the time? This film is as much the portrait of a period as that of a producer, an inquiry or journey into the past of French "cinéma d'auteur".

Photography : Céline Cros, Boris Nicot, Maritza Fuentes Cruz, Michel Bort
Sound : Frédéric Gillet, Miriam René
Production : Ina, Cinécinéma
Distribution : Ina. DDA. Direction commerciale (culturel@ina.fr, +33 (0)1 49 83 24 86)