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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2008 Africa Un ami est parti

Un ami est parti
Delphe Kifouani
2008 - Belgique/Sénégal - Couleur - 23'

I live on the campus of the Gaston Berger University at Saint Louis, Senegal. I have met there Africans from different parts of the continent. Of all these friends, one of them, a Senegelese, has stuck in my mind. He was the first to speak to me of my difference, the fact that I come from Central Africa. He let me become acquainted with his society, its taboos. Today I do not know where he is. I just know that one day he left on a pirogue headed for Europe. From his absence came the desire to make a film on our meeting, our differences, the places we crossed, the friends we knew.

Photography : El Hadj
Sound : Philippe de
Editing : Roberto Ayllon
Production : Gsara Cinema(s) d'Afrique(s), Université Gaston Berger
Distribution : Gsara Cinema(s) d'Afrique(s) (annick.fatp@gsara.be, +32 2 250 13 14)