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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Reruns Under the Freeway

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Under the Freeway
Guy Sherwin
1995 - Royaume-Uni - Noir & Blanc - 16'

Under the Freeway results from a trip Sherwin made to San Francisco during 1995. The space of the film is a public one; an intersection of streets in a poor neighbourhood, dominated by the overhead freeway of the title. The camera is static, although not confined to a single viewpoint, and this elicits a quiet attention from the viewer. It is tempting to see, in the pace of the shots and the pace of the actions filmed, a critique of both life in the world of the freeway, and of its customary film or television representation.” (Nick Collins)

16 mm projection

Photography : Guy Sherwin
Sound : Guy Sherwin
Editing : Guy Sherwin
Production : Guy Sherwin