SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Timişoara, December 1989
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Doc History: Romania Timişoara, December 1989

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Timişoara, December 1989 ( Timişoara, decembrie 1989 )
Bose Ovidiu Pastina
1991 - Roumanie - Noir & Blanc - 78'

Documentary from a personal viewpoint, of the tragic events that occured in Timişoara in December 1989, during collapse of the Ceauşescu Communist dictatorship. Government troops were sent into Timişoara to put down a civilian revolt but they eventually joined the side of the people. Includes interviews with individuals who were directly involved at the time.

Photography : Carol Przybilla
Sound : Tudor Stanciu
Editing : Eugenia Ianculescu
Production : Sahia film
Distribution : Romanian Film Centre (asalcudeanu@yahoo.com, +40 21 3 100 672)