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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Rediffusions Time's up

Time's up
Jan Peters, Marie-Catherine Theiler
2009 - Allemagne - Couleur - 15'

Marie-Catherine Theiler was pregnant when she got into a car accident with Jan Peters, the father of her unborn baby. Being confronted with the finiteness of life, the filmmakers suddenly realize that their lives have become way too hectic. They decide to change their lives and slow down. But how? During a humorous odyssey from one time-expert to the next, Marie-Catherine and Jan ask the questions most of us would like to know the answers to…

Photography : Jan Peters, Marie-Catherine Theiler
Sound : Pit Przigodda
Editing : Sandra Trostel
Music : Pit Przigodda
Production : Kloos und Co Medien GmbH
Distribution : Rise and Shine World sales UG (anja.dziersk@kloosundco.de, +49 304 737 29 80)