SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - They Caught the Ferry (De nåede færgen)
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2010 Doc History: Denmark They Caught the Ferry (De nåede færgen)

They Caught the Ferry (De nåede færgen)
Carl Th. Dreyer
1948 - Danemark - Noir & Blanc - 12'

It is an order film for Road Safety. It relates the mad race on motorbike of a young man and his girlfriend, to take the ferry at Nyborg. Along the narrative, appear some mythical figures, related to those of Vampyr.

Photography : Jørgen Roos
Production : Dansk Kulturfilm, Comité Ministériel pour le Cinéma
Distribution : Danish film Institute (thomasc@dfi.dk, +45 33 74 35 76)