SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Verdict of History
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2011 Getting Voices Heard The Verdict of History

The Verdict of History ( Pered sudom istorii )
Friedrich Ėrmler
1965 - Russie - Noir & Blanc - 92'

The film centers on Vasili Vitalyevich Shulgin, a former political opponent of Soviet power, the living witness and active participant of many historic events. The dialogue between the Historian and Shulgin unfolds like a philosophical and political debate on the February Revolution, the fate of emigrants, and the overthrow of the autocracy.

Author : Vladimir Vladimirov, Mikhail Bleinman
Photography : Mikhail Magid, Lev Sokolsky
Sound : Lev Valter
Production : Lenfilm
Distribution : Lenfilm (sales@lenfilm.ru)