SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The First Day
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Doc Route: Poland The First Day

The First Day ( Pierwszy Dzień )
Marcin Sauter
2007 - Pologne - Couleur - 20'

The First Day tells the story of one of the most important moments in one's life, the transition to adulthood. In the film this moment is played out in the movement of several children from rural Tundra to the urban environment.

Photography : Marcin Sauter
Sound : Michał Marczak
Editing : Tymek Wiskirski
Production : Eureka Media, Telewizja Polska Kultura
Distribution : Krakow Film Foundation (katarzyna.wilk@kff.com.pl, +48 122 94 69 45)