SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Cool World
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 The Right Methods The Cool World

The Cool World
Shirley Clarke
1963 - États-Unis - Noir & Blanc - 100'

Adapted from the novel by Warren Miller and shot in Harlem in 1962, The Cool World draws a very particular portrait, between fiction and documentary realism, of the black ghetto and its inhabitants. Working with non professional actors cast in the street, Shirley Clarke favours improvisation and radicalises the method started in The Connection. In The Cool World, formal freedom accompanies an unprecedented eye on the Real, to such an extent that Miles Davis was able to claim that the subtitle of the film should simply have been “The Truth”. © Courtesy Zipporah Films

Photography : Baird Bryant
Sound : Hugh A. Robertson Jr., Richard Vorisek, David Jones
Editing : Shirley Clarke
Music : Mal Waldron, Barbara Webb
Production : Wiseman Film Productions