SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Cat, the Reverend and the Slave
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Uncertain Viewpoints The Cat, the Reverend and the Slave

The Cat, the Reverend and the Slave
Alain Della Negra, Kaori Kinoshita
2009 - France - Couleur - 80'

Through an encounter with three communities emblematic of the virtual universe that is "Second Life" — Furries, Goreans, and evangelical Christians — the film questions the porosity of real life and virtual life. For these players, the border between the real and the virtual weakens until it no longer has any meaning and the two become intextricably mixed together.

Photography : Kaori Kinoshita
Sound : Alain Della Negra
Editing : Sébastien de Sainte-Croix, Jean-Christophe Hym
Production : Capricci Films (contact@capricci.fr, +33 (0)2 40 89 20 59)
Distribution : Capricci Films (contact@capricci.fr, +33 (0)2 40 89 20 59)