SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Suspended by the Night
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Tënk! Suspended by the Night

Suspended by the Night ( Suspendu à la nuit )
Eva Tourrent
2014 - France - Couleur - 24'

There is a cable suspended between the machine and the void, between the snow-groomer and the slope, between Guillaume and his thoughts. Every winter night, Guillaume crosses the ski-runs and the mountain to repack the snow. Alone in his cabin, he is at one with his machine in a balance composed of ceaselessly repeated comings and goings. He has to cling to the night, to its grey areas, invent his path.

Photography : Olivier Dury
Sound : Mikael Kandelman
Editing : Cécile Martinaud
Production : Survivance
(guillaume@survivance.net, +33 (0)9 80 61 59 06)