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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Special screenings Städtebewohner

Thomas Heise
2014 - Allemagne - Noir & Blanc - 82'

A story of everyday life in the Comunidad San Fernando, a prison in Mexico City. About two hundred prisoners are currently living there, offenders who were sentenced as juveniles for a maximum of five years. In quiet observations, the film portrays their life and focuses on three boys. There are Samuel and Ever, still children when they were judged guilty of murder. And there is Irving, who was a robber and fears the outside, his liberty, when spring will come.

Photography : Robert Nickolaus
Sound : Thomas Heise, Christian Haardt
Editing : Mike Gürgen
Music : Bowen Liu
Production : Thomas Heise
Distribution : Deckert
(info@deckert-distribution.com, +49 (0) 341 215 66 38)