SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Sidewalk Stories
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2016 Sacem Day Sidewalk Stories

Sidewalk Stories
Charles Lane
1989 - États-Unis - Noir & Blanc - 96'

A young artist living in New York, on the fringes of the financial district and its rushing crowds, tries to make a living sketching passers-by on the street. He survives on his meager means and has found refuge in an abandoned building. One night, on the corner of a back alley, he finds a little girl whose father has just been murdered. While struggling to take care of her, he meets a young rich woman who immediately falls in love with this awkward couple…

Photography : Bill Dill
Editing : Charles Lane
Music : Marc Marder
Production : Charles Lane
Distribution : Carlotta Films (nora@carlottafilms.com, +33 (0) 1 42 24 14 04)