SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - If I Keep You in My Hair...
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Sacem Day If I Keep You in My Hair...

If I Keep You in My Hair...
Jacqueline Caux
2013 - France - Couleur - 70'

This film is, in fact, a manifesto, involving four disobedient Arab women—singers, musicians and composers—from Marocco, Tunisia, Syria and Palestine. In contradiction with the assumed current context of distrust vis-à-vis these cultures, the film wants to show the assertion force of these women, who struggle with determination to impose their talent, their art and their femininity without a veil. It also aims to show the great diversity of Arabic music.

Photography : Claude Garnier, Patrick Ghiringhelli
Sound : Philippe Welsh
Editing : Dora Soltani
Music : Hadda Akki, Amina Szarfi, Waed Bouhassoun, Kamilya Jubran
Production : La Huit, Cinaps TV
(distribution@lahuit.fr, +33 (0)1 53 44 70 88)