SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Les Gestes du repas
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Rediffusions Les Gestes du repas

Les Gestes du repas
Luc de Heusch
1958 - Belgique - Noir & Blanc - 23'

We spend about an eighth of our days eating. Luc de Heusch films the repetitive and seemingly banal gestures which nonetheless come from a particular culture and civilization. From morning to night, from the setting up of a market to dinner, from the daily quickly consumed lunch to the celebration feast, the ethnologist is interested by all social classes. At the beginning, an ethnographic documentary, neutral and distant, seemed designed to define Belgians by the way they eat. In fact, Luc de Heusch films his contemporaries as if they were Papuans.

Author : Jacques Delcorde
Photography : Charles Abel
Sound : Paul Leponce
Editing : Luc de Heusch
Distribution : Fonds Henri Storck (info@fondshenristorck.be, +32 (0)2 219 63 33)