SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Romy: Anatomy of a Face
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Doc History: Germany Romy: Anatomy of a Face

Romy: Anatomy of a Face ( Romy, Anatomie eines Gesichts )
Hans-Jürgen Syberberg
1967 - RFA - Noir & Blanc - 60'

“This film was a commission proposed to Syberberg after the critical success of his first film on Kortner, and that he was happy to accept seeing the opportunity to understand, via Romy Schneider, the phenomenon of ‘star creation’ characteristic of the society of spectacle. It is an original and intimate portrait of a woman searching for her own identity, shot over three days sheltered from the demands of high society in a Bavarian ski resort.” (Christian Longchamp)

Photography : Kurt Lorenz, Klaus König
Editing : Barbara Mondry, Michaela Berchtold
Production : Houwer-Film, Film- und Fernsehproduktion