SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Rencontres à Milton Keynes
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Doc Route: Germany Rencontres à Milton Keynes

Rencontres à Milton Keynes ( Conversations in Milton Keynes )
Ingo Baltes
2011 - Belgique - Couleur - 73'

A series of encounters in the largest British new town, Milton Keynes, conceived in the end of the sixties and developed since then. Here, for the first time in Europe, a new lifestyle had been established, completely based on consumption. An experience of presence touching the author himself and together with him the people he films, inhabitants of the town: the architect, a beer drinker, an urban developer and a trolley retrieval manager...

Photography : Ingo Baltes
Sound : Ingo Baltes, Arnould Chapel, Alexandre Davidson
Editing : Hugo van der Vennet
Production : Polymorfilms (contact@polymorfilms.be, +32 253 785 69)